The Human side of Cybersecurity

IBM Security released their annual “Cost of a Data Breach Report” this past summer, and it should be no surprise to anyone that the top three factors in reducing the cost of a cyber breach had to do with employees or people. When you invest in how you do business and the people who carry out that business, it pays dividends. Computers see things in black and white. People are the driving factors behind all things that deviate from that, both good and bad.

Cyber breaches are happening all along the business spectrum, from large hospitals to small dental practices. The industry with the largest increase in cost is healthcare, up 53.3% since 2020, with breaches sized between 2,200 and 102,000 records. This would put the average single practitioner dental office breach cost at around $250,000.

Putting new tools in place is only half the battle in this new cyber war. At Siligent, we emphasize that the steps to really reduce or eliminate those risks have to do with your employees and your procedures. It's business with an eye toward security, preparing for a possible breach. How well you train your employees and use the procedures in place can make all the difference.

Its important to help employees learn what the risks are through an annual training. We also use simulated phishing attacks to help train employees on what to look out for, but also how to use the tools we have installed that can help us identify an attack before it gets started. Combine that with the tools we have in place that will help scan and look for threats, you are more likely to prevent a cyber attack from gaining a foothold.

For the Full report, or to learn more, reach out and contact us.

It takes everyone working together to use the technology we have to reduce and prevent breaches from occurring, and in some cases, saving your business. Contact us to learn more about our training programs and suggested procedures to protect your business.


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