The Dental Tech Stack - Wait What?!

The world of technology seems to specialize in confusing definitions, acronyms and maybe a bit of voodoo. Want a dictionary of definitions? It would be outdated in a matter of minutes. It’s all an attempt to simplify what can often be complicated solutions. 

Take the “Tech Stack”. The origins are actually based on when we needed a lot of different programming languages, or backend small programs to get larger programs to speak to one another. Now we use the term to talk about what technology we use to get jobs done, and that is where it makes sense to start using it  everyday in the dental office.

There are a lot of choices when it comes to software and hardware solutions in our offices. We layer on hardware, software, and new technologies to produce the results we want, which is to work in a seamless environment delivering the best patient care, in the most profitable way possible. We now have a tech stack, but the bigger questions are: 

  • How well does it all work together? 

  • Does our tech stack help us get our jobs done, or is it just extra work for us?

  • Does it help make us more profitable?

Going back to the basics, the tech stack was the layering of programs and software to help make everything work together. 

By getting a better understanding of how your individual office works, Siligent can work with you to make that tech stack seamless and efficient. We help to manage that stack, tweaking it so it continues to integrate into your practice. What sets us apart is our commitment to help you learn and use your technology. Reach out and let us show you how you can simplify the management of your tech stack.


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